Oh No I Did the Nazi Thing Again Party Down Gif

MEMES, Part 8: The scream 34:02


(Rory Panagatopolis for WBUR)

(Rory Panagatopolis for WBUR)

If you typed "inauguration" into your web browser anytime betwixt 2022 and 2020, you lot likely saw an prototype of a person in a neon green jacket, black winter chapeau and glasses screaming "Nooooooooooo!" That person was Jess, who was in Washington D.C. on January 20, 2022 to protest the inauguration of President Donald Trump.

This "Nooooooooooo!" flew out of Jess subsequently the adjuration of function, during what seemed to be a deeply painful and individual moment. Only what Jess didn't know at the fourth dimension was that they were beingness filmed by a UK media outlet. Within hours, this became the scream heard 'round the world, the meme seen 'round the world, and a symbol of "liberal fragility" for Trump supporters. Fearing for their safety, Jess went into a sort of hiding – on social media, and in their personal life. Four years later, Jess tells their story for the very first time.

Show notes:

  • Donald Trump's inauguration
  • Original video of Jess screaming at the inauguration
  • Luke Crywalker meme
  • NPR's Capitol Insurrection updates
  • Bernie Sanders mittens meme

Total Transcript:

This content was originally created for audio. The transcript has been edited from our original script for clarity. Heads up that some elements (i.e. music, sound furnishings, tone) are harder to translate to text.

Jess: It felt like. It felt like being on the Titanic for like beingness on the Titanic and existence like, I know the iceberg'due south coming, I know the iceberg's coming, and oh my God, one, two, three. And we're hitting it.

Ben: We are talking to a person we're calling Jess outside on a Spring day in March 2021. But they're telling u.s. about a unlike day. Jan 20th, 2017.

Jess: And it was similar 5:00 a.grand. or something crazy, which to me is only like that'south the a**-crack of dawn. Nobody needs to get upwards that early.

Ben: Jess and a friend had traveled hundreds of miles to Washington D.C. specifically for this day.

Jess: Then we get to D.C. like nobody'southward around. It'due south, the streets are empty. It's quiet. I have my camera with me, because when I go to events I love to take pictures. It's like I think it's actually 1 way that as an introvert I can like show up somewhere. That's what I've always washed when I've gone to protests is have pictures.

Amory: There was a designated area just off Pennsylvania Artery for protestors.

Jess: And my friend was like, parcel the f*** up because we're going to be out in that location all day and in that location's no identify to get to warm upwardly.

Jess: So I had on these like two layers of coats and like all this stuff and only vivid green coat.

Ben: And by bright green, Jess actually means neon lime dark-green. Almost like a structure worker'south compatible, with those reflective stripes running along the arms. When yous put on a jacket in the forenoon, information technology's rare that you recall this will probably be immortalized past the internet...forever.

Jess: Yeah, you really couldn't miss me, y'all couldn't miss me with that glaze on. Turns out…. that color volition forever haunt me. Hahaha.

Amory: Information technology was approaching noon, and the street was packed with sign-toting Trump supporters, protesters, and the sounds of pomp and circumstance.

Jess: And they had these huge speakers all the way upward and down the street. I hateful, it felt like nosotros were in frickin' like Nazi Germany or something. It was like, all of a sudden it was just the sound of these voices coming over everything. It was similar, "you will at present heed to united states of america because we are in control." Oh, yeah, hahaha.

Amory: But as the bodily inauguration proceedings began, something started brewing within Jess.

Jess: I don't fifty-fifty remember honestly what it was, but information technology was somebody speaking. I was just like, we're so screwed, this is then bad. Nosotros're in and so deep.

Ben: Missouri senator Roy Blunt kicked off the swearing-in ceremony.

Jess: Please correspond the inauguration, apathetic blah apathetic.  And I just in my caput, I was like, oh hell no. I was like, if at that place's one matter I can do right now is not represent this motherf*****, right? So I sat down.

Martin Geissler: I offset noticed Jess just a few seconds before Donald Trump was about to take the oath of office.

Amory: This is Martin Geissler.

Martin: And I work as a presenter for the BBC . Just back at the time of Donald Trump'southward inauguration, I was a foreign contributor for ITV News , one of the primary TV network news programs in the Uk.

Amory: Martin and his cameraman had been traveling effectually the U.South. for three or iv weeks direct in the pb up to inauguration day, documenting people's hopes and fears for a Trump presidency. And at present, the twenty-four hour period — and the moment — were here, and the emotions for some were high.

Martin: I looked most v feet to my right and there was somebody on their knees on the basis with their caput in their hands.

Jess: Bearing witness to this disastrous moment, was similar all I could practice. So I only saturday there with my eyes closed.

Martin: And it was pretty clear that this person was going to give a reaction. So I tapped my cameraman on the shoulder and merely pointed downward and said, look, film them. And as soon equally the oath of office finished, the commentator said, "Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States." And that was the moment.

Jess: And I but. It just came out.

Martin: That was the moment Jess let loose this kind of primal scream

Jess: That was pretty much what happened was I screamed and they caught me. S***. Hahaha.

Ben: I'm Ben Brock Johnson.

Amory: I'm Amory Sivertson, and this is Endless Thread.

Ben: Nosotros're coming to you from WBUR, Boston'southward NPR station. And correct at present, we're talking about memes.

Amory: Their cultural, historical, and personal bear upon.

Jess: And I was like, just literally wanted to disappear.

Ben: Today...

Amory: The Scream.

Amory: March 25th, 2021: We run across Jess, who is telling their story for the first time to us, near the scream that meme'd them, four years agone.

Ben: Jess shows up in a Black Lives Matter hoodie. Their hot-pink-streaked hair coiffed up and to i side. They're in their 40s, just they take a kind of punk rock vibe and youthful free energy. They seemed comfortable, but the nerves are definitely there.

Jess: Do you take like sort of a plan of like starting with questions and like kind of leading the conversation?

Amory: Aye. Yes, nosotros do.

Jess: Aye. Figured.

Amory: Whether we stick to them or not is another story.

Ben: Where we meet was the furthest thing from Pennsylvania Artery on inauguration mean solar day. We were in a woodsy, remote spot, not far from where Jess lives.

Amory: Jess is an artist living in the northeast. And at that place's a reason nosotros're being vague nearly their actual name and personal details. Jess has basically been in hiding since 2017, and that moment at President Donald Trump'south inauguration that led to their screaming face being plastered across the internet.

Ben: Unsurprisingly, perhaps, Jess is not a big fan of memes.

Amory: Surprisingly, it'south not but because they became one.

Jess: Because I didn't grow up with, similar, Boob tube and stuff, I always missed the references. And actually and then that's been a large thing with me, with memes is like, I don't get it.

Amory: But even when Jess doesn't go the joke of a item meme – which, Jess, I feel yous – they get what's fundamentally happening.

Jess: As an artist, I can capeesh taking imagery and sharing it and changing information technology and playing off of each other, having the images play off each other.

Ben: Which is how content gets meme-ified. Think our group of meme experts...who we're calling our Meme Chorus? They talked a skilful chip about this.

Sarah Laiola: They take off in a way that becomes replicable.

Gianluca Stringhini: And then nosotros are non talking about the same paradigm that's shared over and over, but it is a variation.

Joan Donovan: Not bad memes invite you lot to remix them and to add a different slogan or to change upwardly the image.

Kenyatta Cheese: And then somebody can go and say, oh, I can brand my own version. I know how to really participate in this meme.

Jess: Simply I gauge that a lot of them feel really lowbrow. And I don't kind of appreciate the crudeness of the quality.

Ben: Being in on the joke is one matter.  Existence the joke is another. A particular feeling detail meme subjects know all well-nigh. And Jess was virtually to larn, too. Just kickoff, they were mulling the ascent of Donald Trump and what to exercise most it.

Jess: Every bit a queer person, as a person in a female body, as a person in white skin, every bit an artist, I take wondered and struggled with, similar, how do I make a departure? Because I grew up with a lot of, similar, political activism around me, and I really idea for a long time that I needed to do some kind of, like, soap discourse like. And now I retrieve, you know, "don't you realize?!" like that kind of energy of like "don't you realize?!" And I was like, you lot know what? Information technology's just non me.

Ben: So when a friend of Jess' asked if they wanted to drive to D.C. to protest on inauguration day...

Jess: I was like, no. Permit me think about that for a second...NO.

Amory: But then they thought near why they would become…

Jess: In that location are so many things wrong correct now. Black people being shot, that I'll go for. Like misogyny, climate change, merely like all these things that we're like, OK, you know what, I don't actually want to, just if I don't bring my voice and stand up for what I believe in like that is the ultimate, like, lazy white privilege.

Amory: And so back to that moment on inauguration day.

Ben: At that place's a bounding main of people standing in the protest area, listening to Donald Trump get sworn in as the 45th president of the Us. But Jess is sitting. Cross-legged on the cold, hard pavement, in their neon light-green jacket.

[ John Roberts : Please heighten your correct paw and echo afterward me. I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear.]

[Donald Trump: I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear.]

Jess: And then just sitting in that location, it just came from that void, that wellspring of desperation of the millennia of people being wronged and nobody beingness there to say no or them maxim no and nobody listening. Right. I'm like, here's this guy that's literally like "catch 'em by the p****." And they say, "no." And he laughs. Like, that's who???

[ Roberts : Preserve, protect, and defend. Trump: Preserve, protect, and defend. Roberts: The Constitution of the United States. Trump: The Constitution of the United States. Roberts: So assist me God. Trump: Then help me God. Robert: Congratulations, Mr. President.]

Jess: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Ben: Only in this very moment on inauguration twenty-four hour period 2017, this "no" that was bubbling upwards within Jess came out… differently.


Ben: And and then, it came out again.


Amory: And over again.


Jess: It felt like the Globe opened up and sent this "NO" through me, that was merely like. This needs to be heard at this point on this planet.

Jess: People told me later that it was like 12 of them, I think, in a row.


Ben: By the third "no" that came pouring out of Jess, they had their arms straight out to their sides, fingers spread, as if they were giving a control.

Jess: I felt like it was some kind of spell that I was casting. Information technology was like, I am going to but similar push button out this energy of "no" and be like, "you don't get to do this anymore."

Amory: But it was just the first – of Trump's presidency, and of something else that Jess never saw coming.

Jess: Then what happened was I opened my eyes, and there was – what I experienced as – a ocean of video cameras.

Ben: What happened next would have Jess going into hiding, in a way, for a good four years.

Amory: More, in a minute.


Ben: ITV News reporter Martin Geissler was among the scrum of cameras capturing Jess and their scream. He had been watching in awe.

Martin: Information technology was a actually profound moment because it wasn't manufactured. Information technology came from somewhere right inside this person's soul. And when you lot encounter something like that happen, you kind of take a stride back and let it sink in.

Amory: But not also far of a step back, because Martin and his cameraman were rolling on the whole affair.

Amory: Jess on the basis, shaking their head, face red, oral fissure fully afraid as they button out these "no'southward" through tears. It is absorbing, and if information technology weren't and so out loud and in a oversupply, you'd think you lot were watching the most private moment of someone's life.

Ben: And right after that arresting moment happened, Martin and his producer interviewed Jess briefly. Here'southward what came out.

[ Jess : I am so sorry. To my world. I am and so sad to my world. This is not what we desire. In that location is so much potential, um, for beauty and for devastation in this one moment information technology's just nearly incomprehensible that they can be right now. Information technology'south just and so, then shut.]

Amory: Imagine having a moment like this — raw, unfiltered, messy emotion pouring out of you lot, to the extent that you're non sure you lot're even stringing sentences together. We've all had these moments. And if we're lucky, they happen in the arms of a loved i, or solitary in the shower, or basically anywhere other than in public and on camera at arguably the biggest upshot in the globe that day.

Ben: When video producers are in the field, they often become permission from their subjects to utilize the footage. And by the time Martin's producer approached to inquire if they could utilise the footage, Jess was tuckered and dazed and didn't think much of it. They didn't know what ITV was anyway.

Jess: So I just was like, "Sure, whatever, use information technology," um, actually non thinking that through, like what that might hateful.

Ben: What it meant, in this case, is that Jess's scream was going up online for anyone to find.

Martin: I tin can't remember whether I tweeted information technology. Uh, I think I probably did.

Amory: And almost immediately, people found it.

Martin: We went back to the office and started the edit to put the motion picture together for for that night's news. And I remember the producer came up at some point during that and said, look, accept yous seen this it's going crazy.

Jess: I get this text from somebody that I didn't know super well, y'all know, an acquaintance. "Oh, are you in Washington at the protestation? Are yous wearing a green coat?" And I was thinking. "No way he's hither. He saw me." I wrote back, yous know, "Were yous here?" And he didn't write back. And I was just kind of like, OK, whatever. And then somebody else, again, that I don't know super well, but that I know texted me, this was fifty-fifty later that same night and information technology was like, "Practise you know that, like you're like online?," and I was like, "What are you lot talking about?" And she'south similar, "Yes, like your video, the video of you." As like and it merely it merely made me feel ill.

Ben: It was pretty late at this point. Jess was staying at a friend's house in D.C., and their friend was already asleep… but Jess was starting to panic.  Then they went downstairs where their friend's mom was watching TV.

Jess: And I walk in and I'grand like, I need like, "Can I talk to you?" And, you know, she's somebody that had done plenty of protests in her day and whatever, and she was like, "Well, you know, it's not like it's going to be on The Washington Post. You don't need to worry."

Amory: That is some quaint consolation right at that place. Although, the friend'south mom was right. Information technology wasn't The Washington Post Jess needed to worry well-nigh. It was the www. Twitter. Facebook. Reddit. Real news sites. Simulated news sites. The Scream was spreading.

Ben: The next day Jess was at the Women'southward March their dark-green jacket back on amidst a mess of pink hats, when they heard from another friend.

Jess: And she's like, "Already over five million people take viewed it." And my brain is just *PEW*. Similar, I tin can't comprehend that number. What does that even mean? Five one thousand thousand people accept already viewed it. And what have they viewed?

Ben: Jess described the feeling of being in a coma when they screamed "NO." So recollection that it happened maybe but they certainly hadn't seen it. Just by and so, millions of other people had.

Martin: It was the moment of the day – of a massive 24-hour interval – and information technology summed upward for me what a huge chunk of America was feeling that day. Then I'm not I'g not surprised it went viral.

Ben: From virality information technology jumped into full-blown memehood. People made information technology their own, adding fake captions for the scream in the comments department. Things similar, "Vegans when they find out they are fabricated of meat."

Amory: And, "When people from Britain realize that websites use cookies instead of biscuits."

Ben: And, "Lactose intolerant people when they realize they live in the Milky Mode." A lot of this stuff is – you have to admit – kind of funny. Only when your item meme is political, people utilize y'all for their own ridicule, which can feel different from the other kinds of meme jokes.

Amory: Some Trump supporters were quick to chalk Jess' reaction upwards to "liberal fragility," including this YouTuber who added some jazzy piano and wintery prune-art to the original video.

[YouTube video : Cheer up, snowflake. Everything's going to be alright. Brought to you lot by people who are tired of your bulls***.]

Ben: Traveling even further and faster, mayhap, were the GIFs and screenshots… screamshots?... of the epic "NO."

Jess: Y'all would await upward "inauguration" and you'd meet pictures of Trump and you'd run into me screaming like that would be what would come upwardly, and that blew my mind.

Amory: People made drawings of Jess' confront. They photoshopped a MAGA lid on their head. Others showed Trump embracing Jess or worse, from behind. There are endless iterations. Many of them messed up. Cruel.

Ben: Jess says they had the archetype car crash reaction to the onslaught of online response. You desire to expect away, you should expect away...

Jess: Only I couldn't stop looking, information technology was like, oh my God, there's another meme. And I'd read all the comments and information technology would just be similar this. I mean, some of the stuff similar, I literally won't even repeat it, information technology'south so triggering. And I was similar, aye, that's what I'm talking about. Like, in that location yous go. You only proved why I said all that.

Ben: Jess didn't say much more most this feeling – of beingness glued to watching how something they did was being twisted, weaponized, ridiculed exponentially as it flew around the internet. Except, they said it's really awful what people volition say when making you into a meme.

Amory: There is ane iteration, though, that Jess has actually come to capeesh. And fortunately, it'southward the one that rose to the height to requite the meme its official name in the online meme-concordance Know Your Meme.

Jess: Luke Crywalker.

Ben: If yous have recently resurfaced from existence under an actual stone since, say, 1980, boy, do we have a doozy of a Star Wars spoiler for y'all...

Jess: At that place's the scene where Luke finds out that Darth Vader is his dad, and he screams "no" in this like fashion that'southward the way I scream "no!"

[Star Wars prune : Darth Vader: Search your feelings, you lot know it to be true.]

[Luke Skywalker: Noooooooo nooooooooo.]

Amory: So, of course, someone made a mash-upwardly of the 2.

Jess: And I was like, that's just freaking brilliant. I hateful, it's funny, correct? Because information technology's like totally, similar, that is so Trump is similar Darth Vader similar. "Noooooo. That cannot be my dad. That tin can not be my president." That'southward incommunicable.

Ben: Jess also delighted in a more subtle aspect of the Luke Crywalker moniker...

Jess: They couldn't tell my gender. And I am genderqueer. Similar, I'm nonbinary. And so I loved that when people were like that person or just even similar thinking they were like being mean by being similar, "Was it a girl? I don't know." It'south like, haha. Yeah. You don't know, do y'all?

Amory: A gender Jedi mind trick. Simply as whatever truthful Star Wars fan knows, Luke's weakness is fear.

[ Yoda : Fright is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to acrimony. Anger leads to detest. Hate leads to suffering.]

Jess: I think one of the virtually painful things nearly how information technology affected me personally was I didn't feel rubber putting my proper name out there anymore.

Amory: It's difficult to describe what it feels like to be the subject field of a meme that blows up. People immediately start trying to figure out who yous are.

Ben: And where you are.

[YouTube video : If anybody knows where that inauguration screamer is, please postal service it below.]

Ben: Depending on their motivations, you lot might not want people to find yous. But people were trying to find Jess. Doxx Jess. Perchance to do worse than had already been done.

Jess: Friends were similar, take yourself off social media, similar people are going to come detect you and want to harass you and potentially injure you lot like that was the honest like response I was getting from people that knew me and knew this was happening.

Ben: But beyond the fright of any physical damage, Jess was most worried about losing their sense of purpose and even their sense of cocky.

Jess: Part of the procedure for me was trying to wrap my caput around the fact that it wasn't me. It was a person that was screaming "no." Similar it wasn't this personal identity of something near me specifically that was going viral. And considering for a long time it was like, oh, similar, oh my God, this is and then mean or these comments are and so trigger-happy. It was similar I felt at all similar friends and family unit and my therapist and people kept being similar, "Y'all need to separate yourself from that paradigm."

Amory: Jess wasn't sure how to do that. For a while, they were keeping a list of all the different Scream memes they came across. They thought perchance they could turn it into some sort of work of art.

Ben: But even that felt insurmountable. Jess couldn't use it to their advantage. It was too much. Which was obvious to the people effectually Jess.

Amory: We spoke to a few of Jess' friends, and they all said some variation of the same matter: Jess became more than timid, more than guarded, more selective in who they spoke to and what they were willing to share. Jess didn't reinvent themself or stop making art or become a recluse off the grid. They went into a more emotional sort of hiding. And every bit a result, Jess' light just… dimmed.

Ben: Something that was pretty remarkable really, in the age of space connection of the internet: The people looking for Jess couldn't discover them.

[YouTube video : But the thing is what do we know virtually her? She seems to have completely disappeared from the face up of the planet since that i solar day where she rode into fame.]

Ben: This is a YouTuber withal posing almost Jess'due south image in 2022 well-nigh three years after their scream became a meme.

Amory: Jess has felt some regret over shying abroad from public view later on all this, only it has goose egg to practise with money.

Jess: I did non feel similar I had information technology in me. Similar, literally, I didn't take the the life forcefulness, the free energy in me to go caput to caput with anyone that wanted to come up at me about this. And and I really I felt really bad about that actually for a long fourth dimension was like, "Really like you lot basically were only given a platform." Yous could be similar, "Hey, that was me. And here's what I mean." And I'm going to say this other affair and I'm going to point to this affair and I'm going to be like, rah rah rah soapbox. Right, xv minutes. I got it. And I did nothing with it.

Ben: Jess isn't exactly looking for a second shot at that xv minutes. As we said, this interview with u.s.? It's the showtime 1 they've done since talking to ITV News 4 years agone in the eye of Donald Trump's inauguration. And they've been asked before. It's a big deal for Jess, and, a big step. One that Jess feels set to take in part because of an epiphany they've had recently virtually memes.

Jess: I think that memes are interesting in that they're they're an opportunity for people to kind of projection onto a shared surface. Correct. Like a shared paradigm of shared concept, similar something most themselves, something about themselves that similar, um. Information technology says more than about them than information technology says almost me. And that was interesting to finally, like, register that.

Jess: I retrieve that speaks so strongly to the flaws in our civilisation, it'south similar anyone that stands up for the underdog, anyone that stands up for themselves, anyone that like wants to speak out on something immoral, it's similar, oh, let's shame them and so that nosotros don't look bad. And I call up there's something at the root of all that that'south just like people missing access to their ain ability. Information technology'southward like if you lot don't have access to your ain "NO" or your own power and you attempt to have away other people'due south and their "no," or their "yep," whatever information technology is and their ability, it's like that's dark.

Amory: There's another side to this, though. Considering a few months before we sat downwards with Jess, almost exactly four years after they became a meme, ridiculed for the way they "accessed their NO" in protest of Donald Trump'south inauguration, we saw a kind of mirror image – much more trigger-happy and distorted – come up into view.

Ben: Pro-Trump protestors, many of them armed, some of them displaying the imagery of white supremacy, stormed the U.Southward. Capitol and looted the building, causing destruction of belongings and committing acts that are currently beingness prosecuted every bit assault and conspiracy. Testimony in court has revealed how rioters beat and maced police officers and shouted death threats at officers. Things like, "Impale him with his own gun." Some are calling these acts of treason. Whatsoever you lot phone call it, information technology's a far cry from Jess'southward scream – which was in some ways a scream of resignation – not a trigger-happy resistance to a new regime. Jess's scream didn't injure anyone. Just yet once again, this intense political moment, where one large group became the IN group and some other group felt like it became the OUT group – and was not happy about it – resulted in memes.

Amory: And again, some of those memes inspired uninvited all-out searchers to find the subjects of them. In some cases, the meme images were used to arrest people. Prosecute them.

Ben: There are parallels here, fifty-fifty if information technology's hard to compare an armed set on on the capitol to Jess screaming "NOOOOO."

Amory: What is worth thinking virtually is how you can get a meme while trying to observe some agency in the midst of a existent or perceived assault on your personal freedom.

Ben: And whoever you are, whatever you believe, when you become a meme, you go a petty less human in the eyes of people seeing the meme – which only drives the wedge between differing political ideologies deeper.

Martin: This conversation has fabricated me think more well-nigh this story than I accept done at any moment in the terminal 5 years. I mean, tell me well-nigh Jess. You know, how is Jess after all of this. And what impact did it have on her? Because I've never had a chance to observe out.

Amory: Across the pond, Martin Geissler – the journalist who captured the scream – hasn't followed the meme and its many iterations. Merely he besides hasn't lost sight of the fact that information technology might not exist at all without him.

Martin: Aye, it's a dandy ethical and moral dilemma for our industry, isn't it?

Amory: It is interesting thinking about: What responsibility do the people who maybe don't make the memes, simply who make them possible, have in their beingness? Where Martin lands on this, every bit a journalist, is actually pretty unproblematic.

Martin: If you're request me if I was in the aforementioned situation once again tomorrow, would I do the aforementioned affair? Yes, I would. I would detest it e'er to be used as an opportunity to tell people to sanitize and to think carefully near situations like that and perhaps hold back from including footage like that, because the wickeder elements online might modify information technology, manipulate to utilize information technology to their reward considering, you know, down the end of that road is the end of our manufacture. It's not a expert place to go.

Amory: Martin was doing his job. Offering a window into the inauguration – unfiltered, uncensored, unsanitized. Jess had brought their camera at that place that twenty-four hour period to practise the same thing. They but never saw themself being in the spotlight. And neither Martin nor Jess could have imagined the consequences. But to answer Martin's question about how Jess is doing today?

Jess: Honestly, it feels like I got in a bad accident and like my bones have healed. It's like, OK, and then I might ever have a slight limp around this effect, just I don't want to not do things with my life because this happened. I actually, I desire to motion on.

Amory: The cyberspace is moving on. Don't believe the states? Google me this: "inauguration meme." What practise yous get?

Ben: You get a pic of Senator Bernie Sanders – confront masked, legs crossed, hands crossed at the wrist, wearing a pair of comically oversized, handmade, adorable mittens.

[ Bernie Sanders : In Vermont, uh we clothes warm. We know something nearly the common cold and nosotros're not so concerned near good style, nosotros want to continue warm.]

Ben: These are unlike times for Jess, too. They're in the process of launching a business related to their art – putting themselves out there in a large way. And they're revisiting the thought of making something out of the scream memes and the pictures they took on inauguration day.

Amory: Jess might even grit off the ol' bright greenish jacket.


Amory: Endless Thread is a production of WBUR in Boston.

Ben: Want early tickets to events, swag, bonus content, pictures of Amory's oatmeal or my breakfast sandwich? Join our email list! You'll find information technology at wbur.org/endlessthread.

Amory: Likewise, we want to know what yous recollect is the near underrated meme. Call us. Yes, pick up the phone. 857-244-0338. Or better all the same, record a phonation memo and email it to endlessthread@wbur.org. Nosotros only might characteristic your voice memo and your suggestion on the testify.

Ben: Big thanks to our meme chorus:

Sarah Laiola teaches about digital culture and design at Coastal Carolina University.

Joan Donovan is Research Director at the Harvard Kennedy School'southward Shorenstein Center.

Gianluca Stringhini studies online security disinformation and hate speech at Boston University.

Amanda Brennan has the extremely cool title of Internet Librarian.

Kenyatta Cheese co-founded the site Know Your Meme, where Don Caldwell is Editor in Chief.

Please go find their work and benefit from their meme genius.

Amory: Our series and our prove is fabricated by producers Dean Russell, Nora Saks and Quincy Walters. Nosotros are co-hosted past us… Amory Sivertson

Ben: And Ben Brock Johnson. This episode was edited past Maureen McMurray.

Amory: Mix and Sound Design by Paul Vaitkus. Original music in this episode also by Paul Vaitkus.

Ben: Special thanks to, and additional production piece of work from, Josh Crane, Frank Hernandez, Kristin Torres, Sofie Kodner and Rachel Carlson.

Amory: If you've got an untold history, an unsolved mystery, or a wild story from the internet that you lot want united states of america to tell, hit united states upwards. Email Countless Thread at WBUR dot ORG.


Source: https://www.wbur.org/endlessthread/2021/11/12/memes-the-scream

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